Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wedding Congratulation Wordings D

Our adventure in Europe Jeuns'Today

We present below all the photos and videos
we've done since November 2006.

That ..... Soon the holidays !!!!!!

So blogs are dormant until September 2007 ......

New Youth of Portugal, Italy, Morocco and French Polynesia
come join us!

Join us in September so you also for new adventures!!

You can buy the 2 DVD:
"Our adventure Jeuns'Today in Europe" Volume 1 (video) (15 euros)
"Our adventure Jeuns'Today in Europe" Volume 2 (photos) (15 euros)

You can also get the CDROM "Our Romanian friends" (10 euros)

Please make your request by mail (or mail) and send us a check for your total purchases:
Young ' Today in Europe 20 rue de Routequeue 80600 Doullens