Friday, December 18, 2009

Arc Trainer Caloried Accurate

I'm distracted today .. .

A customer on the phone asked me if we had the romance blacks.

I tapped on the computer ...

I think I tried this spelling because at the last literary season is out the book by Antoine Audouard, Arabic, ed. L'Olivier.

In fact, he wanted to milk black, Elif Shafak, ed. Phoebus we had.

I felt stupid with a racist background not even funny.

Great discussion today with Silvia highly philosophical position on the adhesive label on the gift bag, instead focusing on the right, rather gauche.Silvia still laying around and Mary rather eccentric.
Is this a reflection of our soul?
Me, I glue in the center.

Silvia says I am very "spirit" today.
No, Silvia, I'm not drunk, one must say "spiritual".

It's so cold today that we work jacket. Silvia says we
cashiers to resemble meat.

The library will be open Sunday morning.

Reminder: for Christmas, a book is a must:
The Canal Saint-Martin, a frieze of Zau, coloring for all ages ... It is 2.33 meters. Ed
Litote top, 10 euros.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Abnormal Termination Problem With Rollercoaster 3

This afternoon, we followed a discussion in the library between a father and son:

The father asked his little boy where they could put the Christmas tree in the apartment. The little boy replied: - "In my room!"

Always This afternoon, a client told us qu''elle only came because she no longer sees. We have advised him
audio books, our library has a few. She no longer hears
either, we did respond ... Ouch, poor thing!
What to say?

Me too, I become deaf. Age also ...
I misunderstood one: A customer asked us the flames of the pyre, Volume 3, The Borgias comics. The flames I heard the butcher.

.............. reminder to all:
The library is open Sundays until Christmas morning.

Available, our first publication:
Canal Saint-Martin, a frieze of Zau of 2.33 meters long, coloring for kids and adults too.
10 euros (+3.50 EUR shipping)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Do You Biopsy An Ovarian Cyst

After months of discussions and meetings in city hall, here is the result: our suburb and metro Louis Blanc for Christmas illuminations.
Without financial support from the mayor and the work of the municipal team, our young association have failed to revive our suburb.

This lighting would not have been possible either if the council of the district represented by Grange-aux-Belles/Terrage. Barbillat and Malbet, was not associated with our project. The association of traders still lacked funds despite Operation Garage sale "in September and the contributions of two traders and banks.

It is a great collective achievement.

The association has about thirty members. The fee is 150 euros per month.

lighting in the trees is composed of ultra-low power LEDs.
The strongest trees have been decorated ... but we could decorate more if we were rich.

The appointment for the inauguration of the illuminations was held at Pelican, the florist the middle of the suburb.
the foreground, Rémi Féraud, mayor of the tenth
Hélène Duverly in charge of trade and handicrafts, with the council's tenth
Gerard Strong, vice president of the Traders Association top fg of St. Martin.

Group portrait with lady back
Rémi Féraud and M. Gerard Hale
The night begins to fall ...

In the background, André Barbillat neighborhood council Grange aux Belles / Terrage and Mr. Joel Prized, society Illum'ville,
we conducted the installation.
Mr Rigon, the commissioner of police in our neighborhood
Miss Justine Connac, treasurer of the association and Danièle Monchaux, our secretary.
Cathy Bot Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, Moderator territorial development for our district, among other things, Mr. Christopher Moignard, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Jean-Paul Malbet, board neighborhood Grange-aux-Belles/Terrage
Next year, it picks up the moon
Part of the fine team: Fred Sterk
, president of the association traders from the top of St. Martin fg
Duverly Helena, supra
Gerard Hale, Justine Connac
idem, idem
Daniele Monchaux, ditto.
a city is beautiful at night ...
It is beautiful illuminated our suburb!
Eureka, we have succeeded!
Justine did not hide his joy.