Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chemotherapy What Are The Advantages

Illuminations of the Faubourg Saint-Martin

By this time unstable, it is very convenient for customers forget their umbrellas at the bookstore.
Especially when they are pretty or folding.

Frédérique Deghelt , author of The grandmother of Jade , ed. Actes Sud has forgotten a very nice umbrella of all colors, easy to harmonize with my raincoat black or beige gabardine Maryline. His previous novel
life of another just released in paperback Hachette.

Frédérique we went to say hello to the bookstore. We discussed his novel I read in early January when it was released in January 2009. But
late than never ...
I loved being in the thoughts of Hubert Nyssen himself once in the novel. What did he think?

We talked about the interview devoted to this editor, appeared on television in mid-January (in the documentary series "Imprint") and books she has read and loved:

At the corner of the fox, of Fabienne Juhel, ed Rouergue; Matinees short of Mary Prémonville , ed. Anne Carriere Come closer, of Sarah Gran, ed. Sonatine and Only silence of RJ Ellory , ed. Sonatine.
I'm still reading delay!

We offered the latest book of Philip Jaenada , 16:30 Manacor beach , ed. Grasset. This also comes out of pocket.

What is good about forgetting an umbrella is that you go and seek ...


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