Friday, May 28, 2010

Sleep Apnea And High Hemoglobin

city: theater of our childhood

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Much Can I Sell My Pearls For

Frédérique Deghelt forgot his umbrella

In October 1974 Georges Perec moved for three consecutive days Place Saint-Sulpice in Paris. At different times of the day, he noted what he saw: ordinary events of the street, people, vehicles, animals, clouds and the passage of time. Lists. Trivial facts of everyday life. Nothing or almost nothing. This text has been published under the title: Attempt to exhaust a Parisian place .

For the fourth session of workshops on the city they in fulfillment of his residency at the bookstore, Pierre Menard Saturday, May 15 asked participants to describe what they saw, instead of Stalingrad in Paris, writing (and for some taking photographs) of the place where they were (a cafe in the square each) for one hour.

is the result of images and sounds of their work:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cool Things Like Jibjab

Have you Smiles and men?

As part of its writer in residence Bookstore Litote top , Pierre Menard animated Monday, May 10, a writing workshop with 6 D and Tuesday, May 11, 2010 with 4 A of Valmy College, around the our channel frieze designed by Zau for 10 years the bookstore.

Here are the texts of 6 ° D :


I remember seeing a cock to the channel.

I remember seeing a man who was fishing for fish.

I remember seeing a dead fish in the canal.

I remember seeing the boats go by on the canal.

I remember seeing people jump into the canal.

I remember going on a barge and, inside, I studied the fish that lived in the channel.

I remember doing the kayak and boat.

I remember walking on the canal, I have succeeded because the water has turned into ice.

I remember seeing a dog swim in the canal.

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I recall seeing a hen on the edge of the channel.

I remember seeing immigrants swimming in the canal.

I remember seeing someone fall into the canal and firefighters have rescued a boat.

I remember seeing people filming a scene where a woman fell into the water.

I remember seeing people sin.

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I remember my mother told me that one of the bridges on the Canal Saint-Martin, actress Arletty had made a film in which she pronounced a sentence of cult cinema.

I remember Atmosphere! Do I have a face of atmosphere?

I remember having a picnic by the canal with a friend and our feet were soaked in water.

I also remember being mounted in a small white boat to cross the Canal Sant-Martin to go to the movies.

I remember walking along the canal to go to La Villette.

I remember being moved to the Canal Saint-Martin with my friends Paul and Laura.

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I remember one day, going for a walk along the Canal Saint-Martin, seeing a dog in the water swimming.

I remember the exact race, but by cons I remember her soft eyes as black as coal and his beige coat. Each of its movements in the water was waltzing in a vacuum. I remember being dazzled, up from the water, he shook himself and made a gesture in her hair to reject all the water they were soaked.

I remember the most beautiful dog I saw.

I remember the story of a lady I know, speaking of a young woman who committed suicide on the canal, she had a child in her arms and gave it to strangers. The lady told me that I knew all the tears she had paid for the child's future and the end of the young woman. This story moved me especially thinking back to the infant.

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I remember when I 'were smaller, I was left with my grandmother at the Canal Saint-Martin and we had a ride on a barge in the water even that there were some fish.

I also remember that after being in the barge, and we walked there we saw a rat on the canal.

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I remember that they passed the Seine with my family.

I also remember the ducks were walking on water.

I remember the birds flying over the Seine.

I remember the people who beheld the Seine when it was sunny.

I remember the people who ate on the terrace of a restaurant.

I remember people passing along the Seine.

I remember the boats.

I remember the vehicles parked in the parking lot of the Seine.

I remember the people who stay day and night by the canal.

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I remember the homeless, they made fires to keep warm because they were cold. It was the afternoon, they started next to the stairs and then they threw the wood. There were five or six or seven there was our ball in the middle of the water, trying to catch him by throwing stones and was caught. You could hear them, they could not speak French.

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I remember when I was little I saw there was a gentleman who was just beside the water, he ate and suddenly, he dropped his Bobbin, he wanted to catch up, he stretched his arms stretched out his belly and lost his balance and fell into the water.

I remember one day when it was cold, the water was cold, people had tried to touch the ice, someone broke the ice.

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I remember one day near the Canal Saint-Martin, to the College Louise Michel, a man in a swimsuit that is mounted on the bridge in front of the college, I saw on the fence, he plunged into the icy cold water from the canal by the cold of winter.

I remember the day of a festival called the Feast of the Canal, I think there were booths in front of the Park Villemin, with all sorts of things inside, such as food, small games ... And when the night fell, they put candles in the water and it was nice because there was full moon and there were no other lights as floating candles.

I remember one day I was walking along the Canal Saint-Martin, I saw someone who was roller skating, dancing and frosts in front of everyone as it was Sunday and there had no car when he tripped and fell into the water.

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I remember seeing gypsies who made fire.

I remember seeing a dog in the water.

I remember seeing waste.

I remember seeing a baboon in water, but it was a comrade.

I remember dropping a € 10 note in the channel.


I remember a newspaper I had heard that the output of the Seine had been found a dolphin.

I remember one day with my family, we saw a man who had made a raft of big plastic bottles that had connected. Then he climbed above, and with a broomstick, he walked along the Canal Saint-Martin.

I remember I was in primary school, I was with friends and suddenly a guy I know, Rayan, had wanted to make a bet and he jumped into the canal. I remember he was very glad I jumped in and when he emerged, he seemed really happy. I remember my favorite houseboat when I was little, she called Arletty. I remember my sister when we were little, we organize races Duck, you bet on a duck and duck if we chose was good, we won.

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I remember duck that was crushed by the barge.

I remember when I went to La Villette, I dropped a piece of candy in water.

I remember when I dipped my feet in water.

I remember when they were filming a scene from an action movie with a car that fell into the water to make it like a bomb in the water.

I remember when I got into a barge and the boat went on.

I remember when I was inspired by the Canal Saint-Martin to design the channel.

I remember the bridge that bisects to let the big boats masts.

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I remember when my brother was 4 years old and gave food to a bird, the bird had then approached the canal, when the bird flew away, my brother running behind the bird, then he fell into the water.

I remember a man in a bathing suit that had brought her shampoo, a shower gel, and took a shower in the channel.

I remember when my older brother was the canoe kayak with my mother and then he fell into the water (very dirty) channel.

I remember one time when there were poor people who had found the objects in the street (Bath, damaged small tables ...), they had installed all the objects near the canal as if it was their home, then the police arrived and told them that c That was not for the poor.

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I remember when I passed to the channel it was almost dark and the sun was reflected on the canal and it sparkled, it was very nice.

I remember people throwing objects into the canal and it was not very nice.

I remember there was a barge that had visited with my class in primary school.

I remember that children and their parents were canoeing.

I remember there was a free event for children and my little brother did, at the end, he found himself soaked.

I remember that before someone told me that of my comrades had fallen into the canal while cycling.

I remember with my class, we went to see the movie "Alice in Wonderland" in the cinema before the canal.

I remember with my mother yesterday, we saw people on the bridge were eating.

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I remember one summer we went for a ride in a barge and when we arrived, the trip was canceled, I do not know why.

I remember what I did at the Cross around the Canal Saint-Martin, where I won a cup. I remember one day I photographed a beautiful red barge.

I remember when me and my mother a long time we watched the lock function.

I remember the lyrics of a song that said: "And I would help clear the Canal Saint-Martin. "

I remember that Mrs. Chen was went to photograph the channel for us to work on it.

I remember the beggar at the edge of the canal was soaked his feet in the channel.

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I remember I went to a Fly-boat. In PA with my class we had seen the Eiffel Tower and suddenly there was a giant python that really scares us with his two big sharp teeth, it was really scary.

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I remember that I I read a book on the channel called "The Missing Channel. "

I remember a white dog with his master was bathing in the canal.

I remember being told am'a there was a monster in the channel.

I remember a man who was the kayak and capsized.

I remember I was told that the mother of a friend walked along the canal bike and she has lost the plot, she fell into the canal, she could not swim but luckily his coat and was inflated buoy.

I remember there were firefighters who were diving.


I remember one day I saw a documentary about the channel and it was said that the canal was drained into the Seine. I remember

that people had been found, but the carcasses of cars and motorcycles.

I remember the bike found in the canal that were resold.

I even remember that there had been stories of smuggling.

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I remember a man who had a snorkel and goggles and who had jumped from a bridge, I saw him when he surfaced.

I remember a man who threw a tennis ball into the canal and his dog jumped into the water to bring the ball to his master.

I remember when I imagined that there were catfish in the canal.

I remember when I dropped my favorite hat in the channel.

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I remember the gypsies who had a hen, they were by the canal that is dirty with her green, there are plenty of things in the channel.

I remember a friend of my brother had jumped into the canal, his name is Anis, he was dressed in black and white, if his brother had not been there he would have died.

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I remember one day gypsies were swimming in the canal, they had a bike back from the depths.

I remember one day, a stuffed panda found near a public toilet near the canal.

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I remember have seen gypsies polluted the channel with their wastes and wood fire.

I remember seeing a fight.

I remember seeing the boats and that day I was canoeing-kayaking.

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I remember my journey by boat on the canal, the captain let me drive the boat between two locks and I assisted in the dock.

I remember sinners, artists, young couples on the edge of the channel in the process of scrutinizing the water and gulls.

I remember my grandmother telling me the construction of the Canal Saint-Martin.

I remember my trip to the Canal Saint-Martin, when I walked past the Hotel du Nord, my father told me there was a film that had been turned.

The Canal Saint-Martin is here with my friends in the primary we walk, we tell jokes and our 6th, we have fun, we talk about this and even with friends of the 3rd borough.

I remember a bandit who had an accident while trying to escape police.

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I remember view of the bums on the channel.

I remember seeing people jump into the canal with their beers.

I remember seeing dead fish in the canal.

I remember seen tramps play badminton.

I remember seeing riverboats.

I remember seeing a dog swim with a bum, and the dog chewed her arm.

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Here are the texts of 4 ° A :

Sarah M.

I remember the battles snowball next to the canal against the Afghans who lived there, the slippage in winter leaning on the wall next to the frozen canal, when a classmate had dropped his hat on the ice water and he nearly fell, I also remember the days when I was little and I was walking with my father, we saw an African man who made instruments, I remember the fishermen who were fishing near the fish and then return to the water, I also remember the days with friends we took pictures and we have a good laugh.

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L. Wang

I remember one day I saw many people sitting next to the canal.

I remember one day I seen water freeze.

I remember one day I saw ducks in the water.

I remember one day I saw people sin.

I remember one day my mother told me that a child was dead in the water and she told me to play some more water.

I remember one day I saw that the trees near the canal were naked.

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I remember I saw sinners.

I remember I saw a man crossing the lock.

I remember I saw the frozen canal.

I remember I saw waste.

I remember I saw a boat passing.

I remember I saw ricochets.

I remember I saw firefighters pumping water.

I remember I saw men washing their clothes.

I remember I saw a restaurant next door.

I remember I had an appointment next.

I remember I saw the reflection of the sun.

I remember water

I remember I saw a man and his dog swim.

I remember I saw the leaves falling.

I remember I threw a ball into the water.

I remember I saw men who were staying in tents.

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I remember that morning, I started at 8am. I remember it was 7:38 ET a man threw his empty cigarette package, I suppose, in the channel. I remember his sad eyes when he realized he had pulled his money inside the package. I remember he said: "Oh my God!" I completely forgot that I put my 50 euros inside.

I remember this afternoon, it was fine. I remember I was with friends. I remember I was sitting by the canal with girls and boys were a little further. I remember that Leo told a joke. I remember that Katarina had so much fun that she fell into the canal.

I remember from 17 December. I remember, it was 17.50. I remember it was snowing, it was cold and I was wearing a t-shirt. I remember the Afghans who have begun to throw snowballs. I remember this battle that we, college students, have won.

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Ajimi S.

I remember when I said hello to an Afghan for the first time. I remember when I was walking with my girlfriend on the canal, there was a group of Afghan and one of them pushed a cat in water. and I remember well the day I was with friends on the channel, I dropped my scarf in water.

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Stephanie D.

I remember after school I noticed that there were signs along the canal, normally at this point the wind was very strong but because the panels there was less wind . As it was cold I have to thank these panels.

I remember the other times because of snow water from the canal was frozen, I thought it might even be standing on water.

I remember the Afghan who ran beside the canal.

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Dorian A.

I remember that winter I saw some pigeons on the channel fighting for a piece of bread that a lady had thrown them, and then I saw one slip and fall on the ice, it had snowed that day. In retrospect, the channel was much more beautiful frosted with a bit of powdery snow that without frost. But this is normal because thawed, water is a green color as if it was tacky. and besides, there are a lot of waste.

It happens much more interesting story because in the winter in January, I remember going to the channel because of a friend, I was throwing snowballs and the canal There was a sort of refueling, then that's where I started a snowball fight with friends when my mother called me. I also remember when I was selling raffle tickets, firefighters threw their ladders in the channel.

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Albin V.

I remember in December 2009 the canal was frozen, my friends and I were beside the canal, I wanted to see the strength of the ice with my foot, broke the ice and my foot was wet.

I remember seeing a boat that picked up the garbage on the channel.

I remember being surprised the first time I saw the height of the canal bridges.

I remember that on Sunday my mother runs along the canal.

I remember I went canoeing and kayaking.

I remember is basketball.

I remember seeing large where people were rowing boats, one holding a long lance to topple another.

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Ines B .

I remember seeing Afghan women hanging clothes while the men were preparing a barbecue.

I remember seeing on deck, a riverboat from which the passengers waved at the passersby.

I remember I almost fell while walking on the edge of the channel.

I remember one winter day when the water was ice cold.

I remember talking to two police officers in Afghanistan.

I remember having seen students eating a McDonalds while chatting on a bench outside the channel.

I remember I met with tourists ask for directions.

I remember a bottle of Coca-Cola empty floating, I remember because I was thirsty.

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Florent D.

I remember when I fell into the channel because of a friend. I remember I saw a man being arrested by police at the water's edge. I remember when I picnicked on the banks of the canal. I remember when I played ping-pong next to the canal.

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Alan J.-P.

I remember seeing a ball crossing the road and falling into the canal.

I remember feeling the ice of the canal under the fingers.

I remember seeing a dog run with his owner near the canal.

I remember a boat off a strong odor.

I remember hearing my mother calling me, near the canal.

I remember falling current, near the canal.

I remember playing with friends near the canal.

I remember seeing a bird flying low over the water.

I remember a child crying at the water's edge.

I remember taking my sister's hand, near the canal.

I remember eating a chocolate croissant with my grandmother at the water's edge.

I remember seeing you.

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Deborah P.

I remember all those afternoons at the park.

I remember those moments with him.

I remember those moments when I wanted to walk on the frozen canal and the ice has cracked.

I remember the snowball fights and I remember slipping on icy patches, and my return trips to go to college.

I remember crossing the bridge to go to McDonalds.

I remember the Afghan saying: "Bijour miss" and I ran.

I remember kayaking and many Buddy fell.

I remember the films I saw at the cinema with friends.

I remember the boat flies.

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Barbara B.

I remember an Afghan who was running behind a rooster.

I remember the canal was frozen.

I remember the Afghan are cuckoo.

I remember the Afghan swim.

I remember the dirt into the canal.

I remember the big fire that the Afghans did.

I remember the snow around the canal.

I remember.

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Nathan G.

I remember, yes I remember the Canal Saint-Martin, froze last winter and this year's. This was unusual, because most years lived in the neighborhood had warm winters, once, I remember when I was small, it had snowed. It had snowed, I can not remember if the canal was frozen, I can not remember, but anyway, we could make snowmen. But do not stray from the subject. A student of Class Albin set foot on the frozen canal. The canal, unfortunately, was not frozen enough to withstand his office and broke. Another time I saw animals birds (I forget which) to walk above. But back to our story ... I remember ... One summer, ships crossing the canal. From an internal perspective, this would have been that of any interest, but the outside perspective, it was amazing. You could stay there a long time to contemplate. View of canal water down sharply, again, it was unusual.

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Caroline G.

I remember being told that people from the Middle Ages are dead in the canal.

I remember that friends and I made a battle of snowballs.

I remember seeing four swan on the canal.

I remember I went kayaking on the canal.

I remember a friend fell into the canal.

I remember having a cuckoo people who were on a boat on the canal.
I remember having done Skating in the canal.

I remember meeting the love of a friend on the canal.

I remember a couple who had fought beside the canal.

I remember going to movies with two friends.
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Laura B.

I remember that winter on the canal had been made a snowball fight with several of my friends, we had gone to do there because there had more snow and virtually no one had walked in again. I remember last year I went to the canal with three friends because we just finished the course, so we were right next door and we sat on a sort of green iron bar in front channel. I also remember that the channel when it is cold, becomes frozen. I had fun throwing rocks on it to break the ice. I remember I saw several ships pass where he had written on "Canauxrama", I think. I remember that going to college, I saw many Afghans with their tents near the canal and several times we felt a burning smell, and you could see the smoke from the canal, in fact it was the Afghan burning wood. I also remember that there is the fire station is right on the canal.

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Shafik D.

I remember the winter and snow slides near the canal. I remember that Afghanistan was racing my friend because he is a Paki. I remember scores of fights that took place there. I remember the reflection of sunlight on water. I remember the siren of a fire truck. I remember, I get tired thinking of the long runs we were doing and shouting matches with firefighters to nothing. I remember the number of leaves thrown restraint there. I always laugh thinking of those who walked on water ice and fell. I still laugh competitions wind that was there. I still remember when in 6 th they ran to hide when the man emerged the head of the window to yell at us. I still remember when I was missing school and I ran away.

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Cinthia D.

I remember when I saw people fighting alongside the canal.

I remember when I saw an Afghan throw her bobbin.

I remember the moments spent with him at the park near the canal with my girlfriends.

I remember when I put a slap to my sister.

I remember when a friend jumped into the canal to the guy.

I remember when I fought with a boy.

I remember when I pulled the hair from a girlfriend.

I remember when I went back home.

I remember when I ate chicken near the canal.

I remember when we ate in progress.

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Claudio E.

I remember the heat and the urge to dive into the canal.

I remember the ice and cold to the canal and the urge to go home.

I remember the days when I borrowed all its banks after school.

I remember that I swallowed the fly without wanting to waterfront.

Drinking water from the canal, I remember that I felt like when I was little.

I remember all those days when we went kasket play with others, the canal Saint-Martin.

I do not want to remember the days when it rained, preventing me to go play on the canal.

I remember the days when I was cycling up the Villette but I do not know if it was fine. I only watch the pavement, bitumen.

I remember I remember everything here.

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Asma B.

I remember one night my mother, my sister and my two brothers, we went along the Seine towards Stalingrad for fun, then suddenly he began to hail, and it hurt super bad. We went to take refuge next door in a restaurant, then waited for it to pass and there, beside, there were homeless people who were on the canal. One of them started to undress (it remained in short), then he jumped into the water and swam, crossing the canal. While There was always hail. Then he came out of the water under the audience's applause.

I remember my brother playing with his ball on the edge of water and its balon fell into the water. Then we struggled to recover.