Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Much Can I Sell My Pearls For

Frédérique Deghelt forgot his umbrella

In October 1974 Georges Perec moved for three consecutive days Place Saint-Sulpice in Paris. At different times of the day, he noted what he saw: ordinary events of the street, people, vehicles, animals, clouds and the passage of time. Lists. Trivial facts of everyday life. Nothing or almost nothing. This text has been published under the title: Attempt to exhaust a Parisian place .

For the fourth session of workshops on the city they in fulfillment of his residency at the bookstore, Pierre Menard Saturday, May 15 asked participants to describe what they saw, instead of Stalingrad in Paris, writing (and for some taking photographs) of the place where they were (a cafe in the square each) for one hour.

is the result of images and sounds of their work:


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