Saturday, June 12, 2010

Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Pills Smell, Gnc?

Damn the writers happy

Despite the weather, the workshop begins under the best auspices. At the bookstore Litote head, place of rendezvous, we meet Frederick Forte ( in residence at the bookstore counter words), accompanied by Paul Fournel . And go for walk along the Canal Saint-Martin with a group of fifteen participants, a few regulars and many new ones.

hard to write while walking, to note what we see, to work as a painter, on the ground. Each of his method. There are those who go ahead and other slower who sit on benches to watch it around them and note their passing impressions.

This boat, many saw but everyone's point of view to describe or evoke the speed with which he flies away, Once past the lock. And the same remark in these workshops, the attention to things around us, this environment often daily, for once we see, and especially we hear the city noise all around us, deafening.

A landscape that is familiar to us, that there quietly while walking. Achieving the shorter term and more tense to describe this place, which passes between the outside and what is inside us. A few short words, simple words, see repetitions, repeated over and over so uncertain.

contemplate what we see from the window of a cafe and describe as precisely as possible to show that we can observe. What happens outside even if nothing happens. Then turn around and describe its interior. What one sees at home, or what you think. What we dream, what we hold to heart. Compose his text from one universe to another several times.

The most amazing thing in the writing workshops outside is that they register the writer, who observed and is listening, he notes that in the urban space in the center of the city and its customizable sounds, its ceaseless flow, and often to meet the people who inquire about what is this group who also wrote in the street. It's kind of hapenning . No wonder then that each of these outputs (see the demonstration at the previous workshop: a place of exhaustion Paris) we cross events. On the banners reads: "Speak up!" What a program ...

Back to top Bookstore Litote . Featured in the storefront frieze illustrated by the Zau, originally of this writing workshop roaming. You sit in a circle in the middle of the street which is Alexandre Parodi work in recent weeks, a space in front of the library was dedicated (it looks almost to our attention). Each bed to turn his text, struggling a bit against the surrounding noise to be heard, but what counts is to share his experience, walk along the canal, and we keep it.

Very soon, you can read all the texts written during this meeting, the site of Pierre Menard : Liminal .


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