Saturday, December 4, 2010

Questionnaire About Plastic Bags

As everywhere! Home Occupations

Passage in Anjou for a week. The return from west to east, it is done quietly - a reduced speed for the train - always with the same landscape ... Nice!
I missed, and I regret it, the photo of the majestic wind turbines on their bed of snow damage.

The lond mla Canal Marne au Rhin, frozen.

A futuristic vacuum station. A palpable sadness.

Arriving in Colmar and the port and on board the Elizabeth in the sun!

My flowers have taken a hit ...

In this corner of the port, water and took a thin deposit of snow, it raised this morning.
Around Elizabeth, the water moves through the river, allows fishers to still be present.

The ice limit !!!!!
This is the time of Christmas and everything is there!


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