Monday, February 28, 2011

High Cervix, Late Period, Negative Test


beautiful day this morning! the sun is already attracts me off the boat!
Drinking coffee on the terrace ! wonderful idea!

Wonderful idea, but a vision of hell ...

Where are we?
In a dump, there is no other word
The dam gates were opened, water tumbling at high speed while carrying what could have been picked up, cleaned up upstream.

Why mankind is so dirty, so little conscious? Why
The city officials suggest they make these ecological malfeasance?

Our marina, blue flag surcoƮt, should be pollution voluntarily? We
, boaters, people on the water, we pledge to respect water and our environment we use the right products, sort our waste, do not abuse our water consumption, do not REJECT n ' Anything ...
And we have to clean this hideous mass, reflects a society imbued with itself, that hides the top and vacuum anywhere?

Swans will appreciate ... I'd like to know what they think!

Anything goes ...
And we will not tell me that this was not visible in any tank this morning ...
it was not possible to contain and clean up before opening the floodgates ...
that nobody knows where the water comes ... At the port, the lowest point ...

disgusted, we are all here.
The Port also not heard and not heard ... because it is not the first time, this would even rather as a situation recurring.
But this morning, it's more bearable.

I do not need to tell what we thought our guests Bed and Breakfast this morning ...
Oh beautiful impression! ... without further comment, but it is serious.


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