Friday, April 30, 2010

Colloidial Silver To Cure Bv

Writing Workshop in Paris, Musée du XXI century book by Thomas Clerc

As part of his residence writer supported by the Region Ile-de-France , bookstore, Pierre Menard decided to put up with the support of Melico, memory of bookstore contemporary a sound work on reading , a series of interviews with authors, booksellers, librarians, publishers, journalists, teachers, children, poets, bloggers and readers more generally, followed by reading a page 48 of their favorite book.

books that are purchased in bookstores, those we borrow from our friends or in a library, what we read, what kind of books and where, where, in what position, what is read for yourself and for others, memories of his first book, his book always, those who do not leave us and how we imagine reading into the future.

The first episode was dedicated to Mary and me. Pierre

we asked, for example him briefly tell the story of a book that you had marked. That's what I told him

A day of Ivan Desnissovitch , Solzhenitsyn. It is a story that struck me, that I often put in parallel with life. This is the story of a man who is in the Gulag, Siberia, in terrible housing conditions, and dying of hunger and cold, and therefore he still fight for its survival, and for a small piece of cloth, a little heat and a piece of bread. It goes back to key moments of life basics like shelter from the cold, eating, living, fighting against the elements, and distress. It's a terrible life. A waste of time. It is to the Gulag for thirty years and when we complained of minor injuries, small misfortunes, I often think of this book, this story.

And that's what Mary told him:

There are so many ... For example, I love the book by Siri Hustvedt is an author I had not spotted his first books and I read a book that I found it at the time brilliant, I do not know why bright, why that word comes to my idea, but I found it brilliant . It tells the story of two New York intellectual families, friends and families. It was a very special time for me, very difficult, I do not want to talk there. It was very important for me to just get away from what was difficult. This book took a very important dimension, I went in there completely. I still have a lot of things. And the history of these two families, she manages to deal of all that, I think, is interesting in the literature to people is to say of course the couple, writing, painting, Svir Husveldt she did a lot of tests on the painting, she also wrote about the work of writing, there is everything to me inside. What I can not find much in the literature, what is perhaps among the authors Russians. And madness, and children, love, there is everything to me was everything, yet it is cold enough writing, it is cold enough. It is a book that I am often, I like good advice, it is a woman who does not know much, much more now, because it Paul Auster's wife. I think it's an important book, and I like to share one or two people who found it difficult, I usually rather good returns.

The sound piece of the first issue and our entire interview were broadcast last month on the site Melico, memory of bookstore contemporary .

This month, a new episode, this time, Claude Royet-Journoud who read page 48 of • Place, Mary-Louise Chapel, published in 2006 at Theatre Typographique.

To discover on the site Melico, memory of bookstore contemporary .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Mentally Recover From A Diving Smack


Mary and I had listed on the blog a few songs of romance that might inspire us.
Silvia was amused at the mix ...

"Another day without killing

The absence of waterfowl
The rain before it falls
The smell of apples

The man who loved me softly
The dream goes
Meeting point at infinity
Bodies in silence
What is lost
Hands so soft

The woman in the mirror
Time passes
Terror wonder
lost shadow of what we've been
Entry ghosts

year fog
Persistent cold The fear that lurks


Thunder ordinary
A slight slump
Nothing serious

Hunter to lack
Call me by my first name
It is I who am writing

to the softness in the heart

The heart out on the wing

Horizon "

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are Jumpsuits Casual Wear

bookstore like that seen by Pierre Menard

I just wanted to make a little hello to Silvia and show how our blog (in case she wanted to write from time to time in this space.)

The library is still there a bit sleepy, not far from the Canal Saint-Martin where he is good to walk on sunny days ... So Soon!

should I wake up, I finish to hibernate and write a bit to tell you everything happens in our bookstore understatement in mind or in my little head understatement bookseller.

A mom asked us Goriot Flaubert for his second daughter.
Silvia he said the author was Balzac.
's mother informs her daughter on the phone that the author is not Balzac and Flaubert.
We hear the response from the girl screaming in the notebook: - "It's the same!"

- "Hello ma'am, you sell octopus?"
I loved seeing the round eyes of Silvia, our Italian friend who helps us from time to time.
series of novels continues somehow.

I miss friends, not many people today. I would have to return unsold goods but it depresses me, Has it too. I t should be noted that we receive too many books, too much variation of collection. When a title on, we in paperback, in hardcover, in flexible, mini, as shown. And soon, we will digitally.

I'm going to drink our health a little strong coffee to wake me up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where Is My Cervix Before My Period

Distracted and not funny Christmas

This morning, strolling in front of the library books, and discovering the many titles available at this time, I remembered the book of Belgian Laurent d'Ursel, Damn the writers happy , published in 2005 to the fifth layer editions. Here are some excerpts to give you an idea:
"under the eye of the clock haunted by the needle widening the number of our days "
" ah! the women's distance runner loneliness anxiety goalkeeper's penalty at the time of the breasts of snow-white women do not care they not realize "
" the farmer arrived at the courthouse steps light goes home with a smile by telling sheep written in red ink in the bed of queens imaginary "
titles that I found myself jumping to the eye, irrespective of their authors or publishers.
Bodies in silence
The shadow of what we've been
Terror wonder
Hunter to lack
The absence of waterfowl on the wing

What is lost in silence
Lost Horizon

Are The persistence of a slight cold
Nothing serious
Fear of ghosts lurking
The rain before it falls
Call me by my first name
It is I who am writing
The man who m ' loved whispered
The heart outside
year fog
The smell of apples
Time passes
Thunder ordinary
In the heart
Meeting point at infinity
Hands so soft
Another day without killing
The woman in the mirror
sweetness Towards
The dream goes
The idea is to offer you a little game:

Compose a short text or texticule (slogan, maxim, moral, summary of an unpublished story, poetry, parody, exquisite corpse-Enumeration pseudo-science, etc..) from the crop of books that we only retain the title. Attention, never reuse a title of a text to another. And you can add all the titles you want of course.

Send us your comments and short texts we publish the most surprising.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dell1525 Webcam Not Working

Soon ...

This afternoon was held at Leadership Centre Château-Landon , the third writing workshop on the city led by Pierre Menard, as part of its writer residency at the Bookstore supported by the Ile-de-France . The theme of this session was: city: theater of our childhood.

around a selected word in the vocabulary areas (Booth, neighborhood, bus, street paving, urban vocabulary), find the city of his childhood, through short texts with sounds echoing beyond assonance, exercises in rhythmic precision, composition, phrasing, where words magnetize at full speed from the cock in the ass from the station to market. The list is a way of fragmenting all very precise and varied, details, thumbnails. The trigger of this frenzy is primarily verbal sound.

Valprémy Michel, Albumville , Workshop of the Lamb, 2002.

Within the city, sometimes in the most secret, the most remote, Michel Valprémy is held by places, persons or characters, and indeed its substance. Roguery and humor, toughness and daily memories, dialogues: Urban flora a very personal, finely chosen, a herbarium city where plants would be replaced by elements gleaned over the streets. Developed an observation related to fine writing, makes us very familiar texts by giving us the urge to invent our own album.

Tapping into the names of streets, neighborhoods where it has spent his youth material to write short autobiographical texts, fragments of life, family biography, places operated as a theater of memory.

Jacques-Francois Piquet Names Nantes, Joca Seria, 2002.

Jacques-Francois Piquet spent his childhood in Nantes. In this book, he remembers all the places he frequented, so that function as the theater of memory. His youth registered in the name of city streets. Neighborhoods, plazas, gardens, streets, succeed in a topological classification, and what a family biography that discovers, with its festivals and its sorrows, fears and friendships. From street to street, over his memories, the author discusses the footsteps of his childhood in various places of his youth, a time when the presence reappears in the recesses of memory of a face, a name, signature music, a love.

You can read the very beautiful lyrics written by workshop participants on the site Liminal Pierre Menard .

And do not hesitate to join them for the next meeting on May 15 at 14h . Centre Château-Landon. And June 12 next at 14h. As part of the event "Paris in words" are very likely to participate in a writing workshop Traveling the canal, and come celebrate publication of our frieze illustrated by Zau : For 10 years the library printed in 10th district for 10 € .