Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where Is My Cervix Before My Period

Distracted and not funny Christmas

This morning, strolling in front of the library books, and discovering the many titles available at this time, I remembered the book of Belgian Laurent d'Ursel, Damn the writers happy , published in 2005 to the fifth layer editions. Here are some excerpts to give you an idea:
"under the eye of the clock haunted by the needle widening the number of our days "
" ah! the women's distance runner loneliness anxiety goalkeeper's penalty at the time of the breasts of snow-white women do not care they not realize "
" the farmer arrived at the courthouse steps light goes home with a smile by telling sheep written in red ink in the bed of queens imaginary "
titles that I found myself jumping to the eye, irrespective of their authors or publishers.
Bodies in silence
The shadow of what we've been
Terror wonder
Hunter to lack
The absence of waterfowl on the wing

What is lost in silence
Lost Horizon

Are The persistence of a slight cold
Nothing serious
Fear of ghosts lurking
The rain before it falls
Call me by my first name
It is I who am writing
The man who m ' loved whispered
The heart outside
year fog
The smell of apples
Time passes
Thunder ordinary
In the heart
Meeting point at infinity
Hands so soft
Another day without killing
The woman in the mirror
sweetness Towards
The dream goes
The idea is to offer you a little game:

Compose a short text or texticule (slogan, maxim, moral, summary of an unpublished story, poetry, parody, exquisite corpse-Enumeration pseudo-science, etc..) from the crop of books that we only retain the title. Attention, never reuse a title of a text to another. And you can add all the titles you want of course.

Send us your comments and short texts we publish the most surprising.


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