Saturday, December 30, 2006

Remove Rust Brushed Nickel

0n about us in Le Courrier Picard!

Here is the article written by Lyonel Minet in Le Courrier Picard, 30 December 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

How To Get Commercial Planes In Fsx

Young 'Today in Europe in first aid training

21 and Dec. 22 at College of Authie.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Atopic Dermatitis, Neonatal Food

Pictures Slideshow "our Romanian friends"

Our Romanian friends Deicas 2006
Vidà © o © sent by e ACPM

Racquel Darrian Movies

Welcome to our Romanian friends!

On 21 December we welcomed into our school four teenage Calarasi Romania:

Upon arrival, they joined our group and witnessed a moment in our first aid training:

Then they discovered the language laboratory where Ms. Caron, professor of English, provided a progress:

They were then received by Ms. Bailey and found section BEP health and social careers:

After crossing the science laboratory,

they met students from Mr. Temper:

Bloons Td For Ipod Touch Walkthrough

books for an orphanage in Moldova!

During the week of international solidarity, Young 'Today in Europe launched a collection of books;
An appeal to the generosity has borne fruit!
A hundred pounds of books will be sent to Moldova and will feed the library a center for orphans.

The event held at the High School Authie was also an opportunity for Ivasiuc Rais, the head of this center, to present his country's young students: Moldova, former republic of the USSR, located on the border of Romania and Ukraine and the poorest country of Europe. This action was
in partnership with mocap association of friendship and mutual assistance between Moldova, Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie (

Upset Tummy And Late Period

Youth 'today in Europe is forging links ! The senior

High School Students Authie have had the pleasure to share the Christmas dinner of Thursday, December 21, 2006 with a group of four girls in the South of Romania (Calarasi): "The Teens' and with the Moldovan singer, Raisa Ivasiuc.

Video sent by ACPM

A very animated spectacle: Romanian traditional and modern songs as well as Christmas carols.

is an opportunity to celebrate all around festive dishes prepared by the restaurant team at school, the next entry in Romania European Union.

Congratulations to our young singers: Valentina, Anka, Andra and Elena! Congratulations to Raisa!

If you also want to build links, visit our new blog:

We organized this show in partnership with MOCAP, association of friendship and mutual assistance between Moldova, Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie (

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christopher Uckermann

Doullens to discover the Moldavian and Romanian folklore

"Young 'Today in Europe" at the initiative of meeting the home-dwelling "Acacias"

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breast Feeding To Man In Public

"there is life after 70 years" (advancement of our project)

We just receive an email CGS Marilena sevcrétaire of the fund for retirees of a small town go south from Romania:
"Our families are eager pensioners to meet with retirees in France, want to go along with them on trips to visit beautiful tourist attractions in Romania. You can admire the Romanian traditions, famous monuments and historical meals.
Please do you think of this project for the elderly in order to support them, who are eager for correspondence. pensioner group is considering the possible courses to learn lb. French to communicate. "

" Nous sommes nos amis français impatients of connaître, nous souhaitons en Roumanie pour découvrir les inviter all the traditions, historical monuments and culinary arts
please help us make this happen starting with matches, our retirees are willing to take French classes to communicate better. "

We only now that 'to put them in touch with friends the same age Doullennais!
Our project progresses!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Manual Cb Presidente Lincoln

"there is life after 70 years" Defense of our project

Today we were three, to represent our peers, the MSA of Amiens (Mutualite Sociale Agricole) .
The AMM is a professional manager of public service social protection for farmers and agricultural workers.
We proposed our project in a contest called "Better Living in Rural Areas", before a panel of four professionals.
Although we were very stressed (first requires), this meeting was rather well.
Three quarters of an hour for an enriching exchange.
We spoke each turn, have we satisfied? Response in February.
In any case, we emerged with a smile!

If this is so, we will obtain a price of 500 euros at the departmental level to finance part of the project (2500 euros if we are selected at national level).

The awards ceremony will be at Salon de l'Agriculture (official handover). The AMM will

Does a new partner of Young 'in Europe today? Answer the next episode.

Chloe, Carole and Julie

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Difference Vbetween Cydia And Icy

Romanian Folklore High School Presentation Authie

start by forging links!

To do this, "Young 'Today in Europe" is pleased to announce the arrival of a group of 4 singers Calarasi (southern Romania): "TEENS".

During lunch at school, Thursday, December 21, 2006, you can enjoy Christmas dinner and enjoy traditional songs and modern Romanian and French (and carols).

This show is organized in partnership with MOCAP (association of friendship and mutual assistance between Moldova, Romania, Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie).
Download our flyer by clicking on the icon:

Burlington Coat Factory Robe

JCSA Doullens (by Anissa)

Centre Communal d'Action Sociale is a public institution that has total autonomy, it is supported financially by the city of Doullens.
A team of 7 employees working in harmony for the well-being over 60, disabled persons, beneficiaries of the RMI and citizens in difficulty.
Director Dominique Brasseur is always at the forefront of innovations (Solépi, intergenerational meetings related to new technologies, training and VAE ...).
His investment allows it to anticipate and assess needs. The secretariat

The pair Melina trick and Agnès Paris with great efficiency. Their greatest qualities is the taste for work well done.

service homecare
Mrs Valerie Brood Carole Delaporte and show initiative to ensure continuity of services (planning, replacements, URSSAF). They frame 62
carers providers and agents who are daily tasks with dedication of the elderly.

Link RMI
Caroline Allinckx, friendly and available, investigates cases, it unravels the complex situations it is often faced.

Facilitator Dorothy
Lagny is dynamic, it is warm
She is the sunshine of the elderly.

- Ms. Tiberghien, is vice president of CCAS
- Mrs Bala, is the steward of the CCAS
(article published in the News Bulletin of December 2006)

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The Charter of Rights and Freedoms aged dependent

the charter of the dependent elderly person (by Camille):

Most older people remain independent and lucid until the last moment of their lives.
The development of dependence, when it occurs, is at an age of increasingly late.
This dependence may be due al'altération of physical functions and / or impaired mental function. Even
dependent older people should continue to exercise their rights, duties and freedom citizens.
They must also keep their places in the city, in contact with other generations while respecting their differences.
Old age is a stage of life during which one must be able to continue its development. This charter has been prepared by the Commission for Rights and Freedoms "of the National Gerontology training in 1987.
The Charter therefore aims to recognize the dignity of the elderly become dependent and to preserve its rights.

Can I Increse My Processor


- portrait: Dorothy "auxiliary friendliness" (as Chloe): It is

employed by the CCAS (Centre Intercommunal Social Action) Doullens.

She hosts workshops offered by the CCAS.
It organizes competitions gardens flowers, cards .... and various workshops: Workshop

memory workshop-studio games.
It also organizes theme dinners every month such as Christmas, Easter ... and reading aloud in libraries.
Dorothy accompanies the elderly in their movement (vehicle municipal) and moral support APs.

- facilitator (by Floriane):
The main
acivités host of entertainment are proposing to facilitate communication and comtribuer vitality of the elderly. A diploma is détat asked for this trade and is open to all. The gross monthly salary of 1358 euros to 2268 euros. Career development is toward special education, cultural leader.

Animation functions are exercised at different levels of responsibility: to be in direct contact with the public, coordinate a facilitation team or lead an activity structure. With the public, the host develops activities that facilitate communication, adaptation to change and more generally the implementation of a social life. It encourages the expression, creativity and personal development through various techniques: body language, écrirure workshop, multimedia, arts and cultural activities.

The main markets are located within local communities - in their servicesauprés the elderly - in the voluntary sector and in hospitals and nursing homes. The trader can exercise at home or in institutions.

Gross earnings from 1 September 2005, in the public hospital (unearned included):

- early career: 1358 euros

- end of career: 2268 euros

Qualifications: Being attentive and available, developing human relations; adapt its modes of communication to different audiences (residents , family); teamwork and networking (volunteers, other professionals) know how to organize and quantify project.

Training is open to anyone over 18 years, according to several degrees:

State License Technician to Host Community Education: vocational training course, during the shift to the patent professional Youth, Popular Education and Sport.

High state on the functions of Animation: theoretical and practical training (internship and experience leading to moind 12 months),

OTC Careers social, social and sociocultural animation option: formation of 2 years of university (IUT).

- maid (by Melissa):
What is the role of a housekeeper? The housekeeper
participates in the daily maintenance of housing, shopping, meals, care summaries of current hygiene and grooming, for cons, it pays no attention of medical (Unlike nursing home).

Who can benefit? which supports it? welfare or pension fund.
It is reserved for people aged over 65 or 60 years if medically unfit to work who live alone (the housekeeper should be required to remain at home) and who have resources at or below the minimum pension for support by the welfare department.
If this limit is exceeded, the request may be made to the pension fund support will be granted to persons who have lost their autonomy and can perform many essential activities of daily living, the amount of the hourly participation of retirees will vary according to their resources and family situation. The housekeeper
issued by the social welfare can not be combined with the third party health insurance, or with the specific benefit dependency

Providing home help is now reserved for seniors classified IRM 5 and 6, which can thus benefit from the CPP (IRM rating from 1 to 4 required to obtain it) and whose situation drives home help, due to geographical isolation or family to old age or social situation is particularly fragile and are experiencing difficulty in performing some daily actions necessary to maintain them at home.
may not be assigned the homemaker, who may benefit from the CPP (IRM rating from 1 to 4) but refuse to apply or accept the benefit.

The rules of the application of home help are amended
file review by the service provider
not taking account of the CPP obtained by the spouse in the resources used to determine the financial Recipient's housekeeper.
Application for renewal of aid within three months before the end of support.
removal of ceiling of 30 hours of home help per month now, each body determines the amount of support depending on the circumstances of the applicant, in light of the EIA to be submitted by the service provider ( the body upon which the housekeeper); power exceeding 20 hours per month will be a reasoned report of the provider.

The amount of home help

is paying a portion of the salary schedule with housewife
Under welfare, participation of the disabled is more than 1 euro 52 per hour (average is 6% of the amount of the benefit)
Through the use of a person home, she had the opportunity to deduct from their taxes a portion of expenses that are dependent on them to pay for household help.
exemption from employer social security contributions on wages of domestic help is possible that it meets the criteria for granting the third party (unable to perform all the essential activities of daily living) . (request to be filed the social security fund).
The amounts paid as social assistance can be a recovery on the estate, beyond Euro 76224.51.

- Help medico-psychological

- Caregiver (by Floriane):
The caregiver is trained to welcome and inform the person and his entourage.
Insuring your health and comfort.
Helping nursing care to achieve.
For this, the caregiver must be trained and graduated professional nurse's aide.
This diploma is open to all, irrespective of degree. The rate of gross monthly salary ranges between 1587 euros to 2166 euros (permanent bonuses and allowances included). Afraid to be a career assistant to childcare, medical and psychological assistance, social assistant, nurse.
- Nursing

Average Size Dress United States

great age care facilities

Presentation of long-stay unit Doullens

unit Doullens long stay in hospital is at the center.

The unit is headed by the head of department Dr C. attended a health framework.

This service employs a number of aides, nurses, doctors and physiotherapists and can accommodate approximately 50 people.

The unit provides long stay care of dependent elderly people who require hospital care, such as victims of illness or accidents and disabled.

The triple pricing (care, autonomy, accommodation) is applied and the subject of a case before the entry into service.

These people mostly over 60 years in general.

In principle, persons admitted to this unit will remain to finish their days but still have the option to leave if the family can accommodate them.

They are supported by hospital staff.

At the moment everything is done to make people feel surrounded by the best.
Caregivers provide them with care, attention and affection.

Missing The Bridal Shower

institutions hosting and hospital

The social and medico-social

Foster care (for Julie)

The host family has a long history.
But before the creation of this mode of reception, it 's illustrated by the discovery of situations sometimes unacceptable, even sordid.
The 1989 Act put an end to such practices.

The host family must help find a new "home" where we found a family life with appropriate support to its length, or you feel surrounded, understood, respected and recognized in its own right.

Each time an old person knowledgeable of the realities of the host family wants to be accepted and adhered to the host project, it may be considered (the contract still provides for a trial period of two months). It will remain a
make an informed choice, it is a question primarily of a meeting between a senior and a family with its own characteristics and it should not be any arbitrary placement.

You meet all types of host families.

Foster care has limits:
- when the accession of the senior citizen project is not good.
- when the home is in a hurry, its chances of success are very much reduced.
- some disability or disease-cons show the Home (disabilities heavy psychic, senile dementia, delusions and persecution, turmoil night, Alzheimer disease and related disorders etc. ..)

Retirement Home (for Cecile)

The residence
Feuquier Mary is a facility housing frail elderly (nursing homes).
It welcomes about 80 residents from 70 to 80 years in a single room.

Residents pay about 60 € per day.

is a retirement home wishing to recreate the warmth of a home, combining comfort and freedom, autonomy and security.

Anyone aged dependent care freedom to choose their lifestyle.

Restoration: A restoration
simple, neat, friendly and famillière.

The aides are listening to people.
Participation in activities is essential and helps maintain the physical and moral ...


At the retirement home of Mary Feuquier Doullens, residents participate in many activities:
- Manual activities such as pottery, carving, painting, sewing, etc. ...

- Board games: card games, checkers, chess, etc. ...

- there are also trips outside Doullens held at least once a month.

- the layout, they also do gymnastics

- the business of singing

- meals at theme this week was a meal with Brazilian music and costumes.

Right now they are preparing Christmas decorations, they also decorate for Easter, Mardi Gras, etc. ...

The home-dwelling "Acacias" (by Clement)

The fireplace housing "acacia" is a home for seniors valid.

It is located near downtown, there is accommodation in private studio.

This allows the PA to continue to be independent as if they lived in their own homes while they still enjoy a safe residential community.

The housing has several home studios each composed of an entrance hall with a kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom toilet.
Each studio is equipped with an emergency call system that allows them to report a possible problem.
1 or 2 near-furnished studios are available for families who come to visit their relatives or for people who want to give it a try before deciding to move ahead.

Residents can take their meals in the restaurant of the residence.

Various activities (entertainment, bridge, walk) are organized to spend their afternoon.

The MARPA (Foster home for rural elderly)
(by Maurine)

well integrated into local life, the MARPA is widely open to the outside.
The proposed daily life makes a real quality of life by reconciling family and community life.

Finding maximum preservation of autonomy is constant. Coordination of medical and paramedical responders allows residents to stay home as long as possible despite the disability and cost.

The MARPA is located at the village of Picardy, Bernaville, featuring a range of local services (post offices, banks, shops, club 3rd age ...).
The building is surrounded by a large green space enclosed with paved paths for walks safely.

The premises have been funded by the community of communes of Bernavillois in cooperation with the Agricultural Social Mutual


Not being medicalized structure, the MARPA is open only to seniors valid semi valid.

is a small living units that now hosts three residents but ultimately be home to a maximum of 20 seniors.

The individual units maintain the privacy of each resident.
common areas to enable them to benefit from community living, friendly, stimulating social interaction.

The objective is to ensure the well-being of everyone in conditions of comfort and security, and maintain independence for as long as possible.


PRA is a group of 18 apartments, all on one level, from 31 to 47 m2 with a private terrace overlooking the garden.
The accommodation offers an entrance (with a kitchen and cupboards), a main room and a bathroom for the T 1 Bis. T2 include a room and more.

Tenants can set up their apartment as they wish, with their furniture and personal items to feel "at home".
Everyone can bring their pet. Taking television and a telephone jack (private telephone line) are among the facilities available in the apartments. Residents also have a personal mailbox.

Everyone is free to come and go as he pleased, but asked to report his absences.

As a security measure. access doors are closed from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00. A key opening the front door is made available.

Professional Team

Specially formed its function, the head of household is responsible for managing, guiding the establishment and coordinate medical and social interventions to each resident. She is assisted by a team of versatile accompaniment.
Security is provided 24 hours on 24 and the team's mission is to ensure the well-being and promote independence of persons received.

Help, care and services at the request

To meet all the needs of its residents, based on the MARPA professionals and existing services locally.

Everyone can continue his relationship with his doctor, his nurse, seek care and home help or using providers such as hairdressers, manicure, pedicure or more.

Collective services

presence 24 hours out of 24 in the structure with a call system for each individual resident.

Housekeeping common

Motion animation with snack in the afternoon (games, crafts ...)

Proposal a catering service in the dining room

· Breakfast at 8am. Lunch at 12 noon. Dinner at 19h.

· Possibility to have guests

· Prevent absences 24 hours in advance

· Possibility of having tea in the room in case of illness.

Proposal of a laundry service (washing, drying and ironing).

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The nursing home

The nursing home (Melanie):

The nursing home are social services and medico-social.
They provide, on prescription, persons aged 60 and over sick or dependent adults to less than 60 years with a disability and persons under 60 years with chronic nursing and general hygiene and competitions for the performance of essential activities of life.
The nursing home has a mission to help support people at home, including preventing or postponing the entrance to the hospital or in an accommodation establishment and shortening some stay hospital.
They occur at patients' homes or in nursing facilities not taking care of elderly or disabled.


The cost of the care provided by nursing home are covered by health insurance.

Personal speaker for the service:

Service Employees:
-at least one nurse coordinator for the organization of care.
-caregivers who provide aid under the responsibility of nursing care and relational database and the necessary support to perform the essential acts of life.
-aid medical Psychology.
-as and other auxiliary medical need.
service nursing homes can pass the service agreements. In this case, no service fee in advance and receives reimbursement of health insurance as part of the overall package allotted.

state of play (31 December 2003)

The nursing home are small structures employing an average of 3.9 FTEs and status majority (60%) associations.

Number served: 1869 (31/12/2004)
Number licensed spaces: 82 842 (31/12/2004)

day center for people with Alzheimer's disease (Pauline):