Sunday, December 3, 2006

Putting Peroxide On Genitals

The nursing home

The nursing home (Melanie):

The nursing home are social services and medico-social.
They provide, on prescription, persons aged 60 and over sick or dependent adults to less than 60 years with a disability and persons under 60 years with chronic nursing and general hygiene and competitions for the performance of essential activities of life.
The nursing home has a mission to help support people at home, including preventing or postponing the entrance to the hospital or in an accommodation establishment and shortening some stay hospital.
They occur at patients' homes or in nursing facilities not taking care of elderly or disabled.


The cost of the care provided by nursing home are covered by health insurance.

Personal speaker for the service:

Service Employees:
-at least one nurse coordinator for the organization of care.
-caregivers who provide aid under the responsibility of nursing care and relational database and the necessary support to perform the essential acts of life.
-aid medical Psychology.
-as and other auxiliary medical need.
service nursing homes can pass the service agreements. In this case, no service fee in advance and receives reimbursement of health insurance as part of the overall package allotted.

state of play (31 December 2003)

The nursing home are small structures employing an average of 3.9 FTEs and status majority (60%) associations.

Number served: 1869 (31/12/2004)
Number licensed spaces: 82 842 (31/12/2004)

day center for people with Alzheimer's disease (Pauline):


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