Sunday, December 3, 2006

Missing The Bridal Shower

institutions hosting and hospital

The social and medico-social

Foster care (for Julie)

The host family has a long history.
But before the creation of this mode of reception, it 's illustrated by the discovery of situations sometimes unacceptable, even sordid.
The 1989 Act put an end to such practices.

The host family must help find a new "home" where we found a family life with appropriate support to its length, or you feel surrounded, understood, respected and recognized in its own right.

Each time an old person knowledgeable of the realities of the host family wants to be accepted and adhered to the host project, it may be considered (the contract still provides for a trial period of two months). It will remain a
make an informed choice, it is a question primarily of a meeting between a senior and a family with its own characteristics and it should not be any arbitrary placement.

You meet all types of host families.

Foster care has limits:
- when the accession of the senior citizen project is not good.
- when the home is in a hurry, its chances of success are very much reduced.
- some disability or disease-cons show the Home (disabilities heavy psychic, senile dementia, delusions and persecution, turmoil night, Alzheimer disease and related disorders etc. ..)

Retirement Home (for Cecile)

The residence
Feuquier Mary is a facility housing frail elderly (nursing homes).
It welcomes about 80 residents from 70 to 80 years in a single room.

Residents pay about 60 € per day.

is a retirement home wishing to recreate the warmth of a home, combining comfort and freedom, autonomy and security.

Anyone aged dependent care freedom to choose their lifestyle.

Restoration: A restoration
simple, neat, friendly and famillière.

The aides are listening to people.
Participation in activities is essential and helps maintain the physical and moral ...


At the retirement home of Mary Feuquier Doullens, residents participate in many activities:
- Manual activities such as pottery, carving, painting, sewing, etc. ...

- Board games: card games, checkers, chess, etc. ...

- there are also trips outside Doullens held at least once a month.

- the layout, they also do gymnastics

- the business of singing

- meals at theme this week was a meal with Brazilian music and costumes.

Right now they are preparing Christmas decorations, they also decorate for Easter, Mardi Gras, etc. ...

The home-dwelling "Acacias" (by Clement)

The fireplace housing "acacia" is a home for seniors valid.

It is located near downtown, there is accommodation in private studio.

This allows the PA to continue to be independent as if they lived in their own homes while they still enjoy a safe residential community.

The housing has several home studios each composed of an entrance hall with a kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom toilet.
Each studio is equipped with an emergency call system that allows them to report a possible problem.
1 or 2 near-furnished studios are available for families who come to visit their relatives or for people who want to give it a try before deciding to move ahead.

Residents can take their meals in the restaurant of the residence.

Various activities (entertainment, bridge, walk) are organized to spend their afternoon.

The MARPA (Foster home for rural elderly)
(by Maurine)

well integrated into local life, the MARPA is widely open to the outside.
The proposed daily life makes a real quality of life by reconciling family and community life.

Finding maximum preservation of autonomy is constant. Coordination of medical and paramedical responders allows residents to stay home as long as possible despite the disability and cost.

The MARPA is located at the village of Picardy, Bernaville, featuring a range of local services (post offices, banks, shops, club 3rd age ...).
The building is surrounded by a large green space enclosed with paved paths for walks safely.

The premises have been funded by the community of communes of Bernavillois in cooperation with the Agricultural Social Mutual


Not being medicalized structure, the MARPA is open only to seniors valid semi valid.

is a small living units that now hosts three residents but ultimately be home to a maximum of 20 seniors.

The individual units maintain the privacy of each resident.
common areas to enable them to benefit from community living, friendly, stimulating social interaction.

The objective is to ensure the well-being of everyone in conditions of comfort and security, and maintain independence for as long as possible.


PRA is a group of 18 apartments, all on one level, from 31 to 47 m2 with a private terrace overlooking the garden.
The accommodation offers an entrance (with a kitchen and cupboards), a main room and a bathroom for the T 1 Bis. T2 include a room and more.

Tenants can set up their apartment as they wish, with their furniture and personal items to feel "at home".
Everyone can bring their pet. Taking television and a telephone jack (private telephone line) are among the facilities available in the apartments. Residents also have a personal mailbox.

Everyone is free to come and go as he pleased, but asked to report his absences.

As a security measure. access doors are closed from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00. A key opening the front door is made available.

Professional Team

Specially formed its function, the head of household is responsible for managing, guiding the establishment and coordinate medical and social interventions to each resident. She is assisted by a team of versatile accompaniment.
Security is provided 24 hours on 24 and the team's mission is to ensure the well-being and promote independence of persons received.

Help, care and services at the request

To meet all the needs of its residents, based on the MARPA professionals and existing services locally.

Everyone can continue his relationship with his doctor, his nurse, seek care and home help or using providers such as hairdressers, manicure, pedicure or more.

Collective services

presence 24 hours out of 24 in the structure with a call system for each individual resident.

Housekeeping common

Motion animation with snack in the afternoon (games, crafts ...)

Proposal a catering service in the dining room

· Breakfast at 8am. Lunch at 12 noon. Dinner at 19h.

· Possibility to have guests

· Prevent absences 24 hours in advance

· Possibility of having tea in the room in case of illness.

Proposal of a laundry service (washing, drying and ironing).


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