Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breast Feeding To Man In Public

"there is life after 70 years" (advancement of our project)

We just receive an email CGS Marilena sevcrétaire of the fund for retirees of a small town go south from Romania:
"Our families are eager pensioners to meet with retirees in France, want to go along with them on trips to visit beautiful tourist attractions in Romania. You can admire the Romanian traditions, famous monuments and historical meals.
Please do you think of this project for the elderly in order to support them, who are eager for correspondence. pensioner group is considering the possible courses to learn lb. French to communicate. "

" Nous sommes nos amis français impatients of connaître, nous souhaitons en Roumanie pour découvrir les inviter all the traditions, historical monuments and culinary arts
please help us make this happen starting with matches, our retirees are willing to take French classes to communicate better. "

We only now that 'to put them in touch with friends the same age Doullennais!
Our project progresses!


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