Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Manual Cb Presidente Lincoln

"there is life after 70 years" Defense of our project

Today we were three, to represent our peers, the MSA of Amiens (Mutualite Sociale Agricole) .
The AMM is a professional manager of public service social protection for farmers and agricultural workers.
We proposed our project in a contest called "Better Living in Rural Areas", before a panel of four professionals.
Although we were very stressed (first requires), this meeting was rather well.
Three quarters of an hour for an enriching exchange.
We spoke each turn, have we satisfied? Response in February.
In any case, we emerged with a smile!

If this is so, we will obtain a price of 500 euros at the departmental level to finance part of the project (2500 euros if we are selected at national level).

The awards ceremony will be at Salon de l'Agriculture (official handover). The AMM will

Does a new partner of Young 'in Europe today? Answer the next episode.

Chloe, Carole and Julie


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